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DVEO Ships Portable Lightweight HD-SDI-to-IP Streaming Appliance

The 12.25"(L) x 8.25英寸(W) Mamba DIG/IP连接两个同时从摄像机输入的未压缩SDI或HD-SDI视频, editing systems, or video servers, and supports simultaneous IP input
Featured News, Posted 14 Aug 2013

VITEC Adds HEVC/H.265 Support in HDM850 Decoder Card

具有独特的帧准确播放和兼容HEVC, H.264 and MPEG-2 video standards, HDM850+是一种基于pcie的解码器卡,供最终用户和集成商使用
Featured News, Posted 07 Aug 2013


Featured News, Posted 30 Jul 2013

Primer: Live-Switched Webcasting

尽管可以通过网络摄像头或智能手机和流媒体服务提供商进行网络直播, 专业的网络直播更像是电视直播,而不是孩子用智能手机. 本文讨论了在实时交换的网络广播中必须扮演的角色, the various features and types of video switchers, 在更大的视频切换和网络广播工作流程中,很多小细节都是重要的考虑因素.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 25 Jul 2013

Live Production, Streaming, and Recording Anywhere

The Roland VR-50HD All-in-one Switcher Simplifies Production.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 25 Jul 2013

Choosing a Webcasting Vendor: It's All in the Details

For video production professionals, 制作世界级网络广播的挑战带来了一个难题:你是否掌握了相关技能, expertise, and technology to expand your offering, 或者简单地与一个可以制作客户期望的高质量网络广播的组织合作?
Sponsored Articles, Posted 25 Jul 2013


草谷提供移动骨干黎巴嫩生产装备刺猬与相机, production switchers, routing switchers, router control systems, and replay systems
Featured News, Posted 24 Jul 2013

Shoot, Switch, Stream: A Live Production Field Guide

Live-switched video is fast becoming live-switched webcasting, 随着视频制作人和他们的客户接受通过流媒体向全球目标受众直播内容的能力和即时性. 我们很高兴地宣布现场指南#2专注于网络直播制作解决方案.
Featured Articles, Posted 17 Jul 2013

教程:在Adobe媒体编码器CC中编码多个Premiere Pro序列

如果你发现自己不得不从Premiere Pro渲染多个序列, 有一种比使用Premiere Pro Export控件更简单的方法. 本教程将解释更容易和更有效的方式使用Adobe媒体编码器.
Featured Articles, Posted 08 Jul 2013

教程:将预设从Adobe Media Encoder CS6传输到Adobe Media Encoder CC

这里是一个快速教程的Premiere Pro CC用户如何迁移编码预设,您创建自定义和精简编码在Adobe Media Encoder CS5/6到Adobe Media Encoder CC,这样你就可以捡起你离开的地方.
Featured Articles, Posted 08 Jul 2013

Tutorial: Producing Closed Captions in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

在本教程中,您将学习如何使用刚刚发布的Adobe Premiere Pro CC中的新封闭字幕功能创建和编辑行业标准的视频封闭字幕.
Featured Articles, Posted 03 Jul 2013

Matrox Convert DVI Plus HD-SDI Scan Converter Now Selling for $995

Matrox转换DVI Plus可以让广播公司轻松、经济地从计算机中合并内容, iPads and iPhones into broadcast programs
Featured News, Posted 11 Jun 2013


v3.5 Broadcast Pix software update connects any system to Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft SkyDrive, or any cloud-based resource for access to graphics, animations, and clips during live productions
Featured News, Posted 05 Jun 2013

Behind the Scenes: How to Produce a Live-Switched Webcast

Go behind the scenes at Streaming Media East 2013's 4-track, 3-day, 现场交换会议和1天的网络直播与制片人和工作人员负责人肖恩·林,看看过程和装备,以及它是如何在现场交换网络直播生产相结合.
Featured Articles, Posted 28 May 2013

Matrox和1 Beyond演示流机器DC在流媒体东部2013

StreamMachine DC, 业界首个电池供电的多通道直播制作流媒体系统, 具有Matrox VS4四高清捕获和ISO录制卡和Telestream Wirecast软件
Featured News, Posted 22 May 2013

冰上象棋在线:电视直播直播Pro和Matrox VS4直播冰壶锦标赛

山皇家冰壶俱乐部利用Telestream Wirecast Pro和Matrox VS4为加拿大各地的在线观众提供2013年加拿大混合冰壶锦标赛的实时交换饲料.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 May 2013

Interview: Dan Maloney, Matrox

肖恩·林就流媒体创新奖得主MonarchHD采访了Matrox营销经理丹·马洛尼, a new professional streaming and recording appliance.
Featured Articles, Posted 23 Apr 2013


加入Livestream的5输入超便携式Studio HD500和Livestream Studio Software是3个新增功能:Studio 5输入HD50, 9-input rackmount Studio HD900, and 17-input Studio HD1700
Featured News, Posted 28 Mar 2013

Matrox Enhances ISO Recording Capabilities on VS4 Card

Matrox VS4 not only sends video feeds to Wirecast for streaming, 它同时提供所有原始视频和音频馈送到磁盘的ISO记录, which is essential for high-quality post-event editing
Featured News, Posted 27 Mar 2013

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